Experience Rapid Relief with this Simple Tapping Protocol

Are you or your clients looking for a rapid way to reduce stress, pain, and the aftermath of traumas?

Commonly referred to as "tapping," the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, seamlessly merges two established sciences: Mind-Body Medicine and Acupuncture/Acupressure. 

Through a carefully designed protocol involving gentle tapping on specific points of the body and face, EFT activates the meridian points commonly used in Eastern medicine. 

This process facilitates the release of emotions associated with a particular issue, restoring balance to the energy meridians. 

Easy To Apply

When skillfully applied, EFT has the remarkable potential to condense the therapeutic journey from months or years to mere hours or minutes. Its versatile application extends across various dimensions, addressing concerns in the emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and energetic realms.

What's Included

Ready to Start Tapping?

Experience the Relief

With the EFT or Tapping skills, you'll enjoy a readily available technique you can apply to yourself anywhere and at any time.

If you are in practice as a healer or a coach, your clients will be thrilled with this additional tool that brings them comfort and relief.

This course includes written history and instructions, an audio replay from a live class, and a video demonstration of the technique.

Imagine how life-changing this skill will be in getting your small children to sleep, resolving your teen's test anxiety, or comforting an elderly parent.

This is a skill you will cherish for the rest of your life.