Planets in the Signs

In the next several units, we'll take a closer look at how the "colored lens" of the astrological signs affect the behavior of the planets as they are found in the natal chart.

Think of the planets as having their own natural tendencies. They prefer to behave and operate a certain way. Yet, they end up in a sign that now adds its influence to the character of the planet. A metaphor would be a soul that has its own innate energy, character, and personality who is born into a family that is both conducive and at odds with that soul. The influence of the family places an impression on that child and alters the way the child expresses itself during that incarnation.

The traits that are discussed in the following units are to serve only as a guide to the planets and Zodiacal signs, and how they pertain to the therapy and coaching client. There are many mitigating factors, such as culture, religion, family of origin issues, personal growth, and past life influences. Even life partners and friends may have a hand in shaping a client’s personality or view of themselves. Additionally, how the planet aspects other planets, houses, and points within the chart will further dilute or strengthen the individual attributes.  

We'll look at planets Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus under each sign. Neptune and Pluto are described separately as generational planets.

The dates listed for each sign may be off by one or two days, depending on the year of birth. Check with the Ephemeris or computerized chart for exact accuracy when the birth date is close to the cusp between two signs.

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