Extraterrestrial Encounters
It amazes me how people can close their minds off to the size of the Universe. With billions of stars, millions of galaxies, and possibly a googol of planets, how can it be that human beings are the only thinking animal in creation?
~ Coriander Woodruff, Strange Tales of Floyd County, VA
The subject of ETs (extraterrestrials) and UFOs (unidentified flying objects) is at once intriguing and controversial. Surrounded by speculation, coverups, zealots, and nay-sayers, yet with the evidence so elusive and often intangible, it's an area that remains an individual opinion. Yet the truth is out there. UFOs and ETs cannot be real and imaginary at the same time. They either exist or don't, and evidence for their existence is compelling.
“Setting aside the truth value of the UFO phenomenon, it is an interesting sociological reality that so many people are unwilling to discuss the most - and at times traumatic - experience of their lives. What does it say about our society that this is so? My feeling is that, by its very nature, it represents a form of repression. If you are a reader who believes UFOs to be nonsense of some sort, I can nevertheless assure you that you have a friend or relation who has seen one. They have simply learned not to discuss it. Many people can live perfectly well within the constraints of repression and denial; they simply learn to shut off certain parts of their mind. It is sad, but it happens all of the time.
But not everyone is the same. Not everyone is willing to do this, or even can do this. By any estimate, there are may millions of people on this planet who have had a powerful UFO experience. They cannot and will not be silenced indefinitely.”
― Richard Dolan, UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-up Exposed 1973-1991
A client came to me some years back, speculating that she had experienced alien contact. She wanted to verify her suspicions through hypnosis. During the initial interview, she revealed that she had previously sought the help of another hypnotherapist. In that previous session, and while under hypnosis, she began to describe her experience to him. The practitioner abruptly ended the session, telling her that her notion was ridiculous and fictitious. She was so disoriented from the experience that she said she had to sit in her car for about half an hour before being able to drive away.
It had taken her years before she had gathered enough confidence to attempt a session with another counselor, so we had to spend a great deal of additional time establishing rapport and trust before we could begin our session.
Should you find yourself confronted with a client's issue that you are unable to handle, for whatever reason, you must show respect and courtesy to that client. If you cannot continue to assist with this issue, bring the session to a close in a gentle, supportive manner, and refer the client to an appropriate alternate therapist.
Although discovering an ET experience during hypnosis is not an everyday occurrence, it certainly has come up in my practice with some regularity. The practitioner must remain as neutral and non-leading as possible in any session. The session must be client-centered and non-intrusive.
Frequently, these memories will cause significant physical and emotional discomfort, terror, anger, and a whole range of reactions for your client. Be as encouraging as possible after the session, giving your client resources for research and support.
UFO experiences, to most, conjure thoughts of science fiction and an overactive imagination. But for countless people, there's evidence of a variety of encounters, both seemingly real and seemingly fabricated. We can help clients integrate the memories of these events and be comfortable within themselves while making sense of it all.
In this Module, I present two very different experiences from each other. Larry's experience is more typical. He was curious about bizarre memories from his childhood. Cara's case is atypical. Someone else told her she might have had an encounter and came to the office to find out if, indeed, she had.
Additionally, I share my encounter with extraterrestrials.
Again, as practitioners, our job is not to judge our clients' stories but to help them gain the understanding and assistance they seek.