Our Many Bodies

“To achieve excellence, we must also consider and work with what is not apparent, with what cannot be seen. We must journey into the complex world of subtle energies.” 

~Cyndi Dale, Author, The Subtle Body

To work holistically, practitioners need to consider the whole being. This module identifies the different layers that embody every human being. It also provides a brief overview of the chakra system and describes dimensionality and the various planes of existence. In addition, the text discusses ways to recognize and work effectively with spirits and guides, and emphasizes the importance of personal protection when working with negative entities.  

Subtle Bodies

Every human being has several layers of bodies. Different schools of thought may have various labels for each.

The layers of bodies are equivalent to the physical, etheric, astral, emotional, mental, spiritual, and preternatural. These correspond to realms, which are not to be confused with dimensions or planes, which will be discussed later.

While alive, a conscious Being is manifest in all of these bodies. When a person is dead, he or she has all of the bodies mentioned above except the physical body. That is really the definition of death: the shedding of the physical body; yet all the other bodies remain.


Popular perspectives claim that there are seven chakras (points of physical and/or spiritual energy) placed along the length of the human body.

A more advanced study reveals there are 12 chakras that correspond directly to the 11, going on 12, dimensions, which we'll discuss in a later unit. A Chakra is not a spinning ball of colored energy, but rather the intersection of two of these dimensions.

Rather than a pillar of chakras up the spine, the entire chakra system is formed as an ever-moving doughnut-shaped torus. See below.

Viewing the above illustration, notice the first seven chakras stack up through the inside of the torus (doughnut), and chakras 8-12 spread out around the outside of the torus, forming part of the aura. It is one continuous system of energy.

Our vital energy travels around the torus, rising through the center and flowing down around the outside. When stressed, that movement is hampered, blocked, and stuck. The impeded flow contributes to aging and health issues.

Later in this course, we'll discuss a technique to assist our energy flow.

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