Empower Yourself and Elevate Your Practice

Upon completion receive the credentials:

Certified Master Hypnotherapist

Certified Master Past Life

Therapy Specialist

Are you tired of...

  • Working for someone else and having them tell you when to show up for work and how much you'll be paid?
  • Knowing you have a bigger purpose in life and that if you don't make a move now you may never fulfill it?

Or, you've opened your practice and are still...

  • Hitting a wall with your clients and not achieving needed breakthroughs?
  • Losing your way in the session and unsure how to reach your client's goal?
  • Lacking the tools to go deeper into issues that would make all the difference for your client?

Too often you're frustrated...

Because you want to fulfill your dreams of being a healer or coach, but you don't know where to start. Your heart's in the right place, and now you need a solid set of skills and a whole lot of confidence to put yourself out there.

Or your practice is open and running, but you keep getting tripped up when your client:

  • Can't make a decision.
  • Won't follow through with their commitments.
  • Has stubborn health issues.
  • Has sabotaging habits and addictions.
  • Can't reach success due to unresolved childhood issues, abuse, or trauma.
  • Limit their options through lack of imagination and resourcefulness.
  • Are trapped by fears and phobias.

And if nothing changes...

There's that persistent feeling that maybe you could have done so much more with your life. You could have helped so many people who are suffering or want more out of life. You could have made a difference in people's lives and in the state of the world.

And if you are in practice, you worry that you've chosen the wrong field of work.

  • What if I have to refer my clients to other practitioners?
  • What if they leave their session unhappy and wondering if they should go elsewhere to get help?
  • What if I'm not really as good as I thought I was?
  • What if I can't pay my bills or sustain my lifestyle?
  • What if this was all a bad experiment, and I have to face the possibility of failure?

A Fresh Approach

Learn proven tools and strategies that will address nearly every issue that is presented in your practice.

Offer a client-centered approach that flows seamlessly from problem to resolution.

Be confident of your ability to help people on all levels: physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Let me introduce my signature professional certification program.

The LaBay Method of Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression

Hypnotherapy & NLP

This 200-hour certification course satisfies the requirements of national and international professional organizations. By completing the coursework, you’ll be empowered to:

Treat trust and abandonment issues

Reverse addictions and bad habits

Address abusive childhoods and cycles of sexual abuse

Improve relationships

Heal ailments and manage pain

Past Life Regression

Round out your practice by weaving in the techniques and concepts of multiple lifetimes.

This unique and comprehensive course empowers you to guide your clients into expanded perspectives and consciousness in order to:

  • gain solid information about who they are, their talents and gifts, their karmic challenges and baggage.
  • find clues to purpose
  • deepen understanding of relationships
  • reveal hidden causes of health issues
  • and so much more

This course offers a one-of-a-kind and time-tested approach to past life regression.

Life Between Lives Exploration

What happens when you die?

Learn to guide clients into and through their experiences after they are released from the physical body. This period is fertile with expanded understanding, spirit guides, and decisions about choosing the next incarnation.

Explore those decisions and guide clients to recall their experiences in the womb and during birth in this life.

Some graduates specialize in psychopomp work: supporting the transition stages of dying and being born.

You’ll be trained to do deep client-centered healing rooted in

Psychology (Gestalt, Perls, Freud, Jung, and others)

Neuro-linguistic Programming (Erickson, Bandler, Grindler, and others)

Indigenous practices (Celtic and Native American Shamanism, and the like)

New physics (time/space, aspect theory)

Transpersonal mysticism (energy, intuition, past lives, between lives, and much more)

This is the same course Mary Lee has instructed for over 28 years, including two decades through institutes of higher education such as Bastyr University, Bellevue College, and other locations.

Who is this course for?

Soulful men and women whose calling is to offer deep transformation in body, mind, and spirit. You are willing to walk in the fire and hold space for your clients. Whether you are just starting out or are an established medical practitioner, healer, or coach, your clients require more effective, efficient, and long-lasting solutions to their issues.

Coaches whose clients require deeper work to break through blocks, pain, trauma, addictions, money issues.

Heart-centered people in career transition who want to step up to their true desire and mission to make a difference in people’s lives, and in the world.

Who is this course not for?

• You know healing and coaching others is not your calling.

• Your heart’s not in the right place to nurture or listen to others.

• Being your own boss, responsible for your financial stability, time, and freedom don’t speak to you.

• You won’t pass a background check in locations where that is required by your government.

I can’t imagine you could find a better teacher.

If hypnotherapy is of interest to you, then I heartily recommend Mary Lee’s course. She knows the material ‘like the back of her hand,’ and is quite adept at teaching it to others. (She actually wrote the text book!) By the end of the first day, you will already be able to do some things in the hypnotherapy realm, and as you proceed through the training, you will be amazed how much you have learned and how much you are able to actually “do.”

I’ve found that the students in her class quickly bond with each other. And Mary Lee is incredibly accessible outside class as well. If hypnotherapy is your goal, I can’t imagine you could find a better teacher–or a better program.” 

Rick LowellAttorney

I loved the client-centered focus of the tools.”

"My experience with the online learning platform allowed me to go at my own pace through the material. I felt supported as I progressed through the course with my questions being answered and having conference calls with Mary Lee to personalize my experience. I loved the client-centered focus of the tools and the ways in which they provide interaction with the client in a very empowering and self-discovering fashion. I look forward to continuing to develop the tools I've gained through Mary Lee's program and hope to take an in-person class with her in the future..” 

- Jill S, Mental Health Counselor

 "I loved everything about the Hypnotherapy & Past Life training!"

I was able to watch Mary Lee in her zone of expertise. This will add something unique to my coaching tool bag, so my clients will get the deep transformation they are looking for. My experience of attending this training was magical. Mary Lee created the perfect learning environment where we all felt welcomed, and safe, and okay to make mistakes as we learned. We laughed together, we cried together, we went into trance and we learned so much more than Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression. Mary Lee is an expert and master at her craft, and to have her as my teacher is an honor not only to learn invaluable techniques in this training, but I was able to do some of my own healing as well. I’m beyond excited and proud I have these new skills and to be able to serve my clients in such an important and life-changing way.

 Shana Stanley, Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist


 @ theshanastanley. (Instagram)

Everything you need in one course

• Creating the hypnotic environment, building rapport, adjusting voice tone and speed, the goal-achieving intake session, and ways to successfully guide the hypnosis session through graceful transitions.

• Eight methods of induction and deepening to get even the most resistant or analytical client into the proper state to successfully and safely experience hypnosis.

• Modern client-centered concepts and methods that allow you to work without scripts, maintain deep rapport with your client, and be intuitively attuned to the client’s experience as it unfolds.

• Formation and use of non-leading questions to avoid false memory syndrome.

Along with....

Methods to bring your client out of trance so they can safely drive and otherwise function normally.

Applications and uses of over a dozen techniques and strategies, including inner conflicts, indecision, dysfunctional history, relationships, addictions, compulsions, self-sabotage, pain management, and counterproductive perspectives and attitudes.

Valuable knowledge of ethics and best practices.

The most comprehensive training in past life and between life regression, and stages of womb and birth, including concepts, techniques, therapy intervention, and personal experience.

A variety of case studies providing a deeper understanding of applying the techniques.

And even more...

• Recorded demo sessions to witness the techniques in action, with debriefing sessions to clarify decision points, transitions between techniques, client responses, and more.

• Discussion on the valuable nuts and bolts of setting up and maintaining a successful practice.

• Student practice sessions to immediately implement the techniques and gain confidence in your skills.

And these bonuses:


The popular 44-page Scripts! book is designed to provide you with ready-to-use, go-to technique structures of scripts as you begin to learn and develop your practice. While these are helpful in the early stages, I promise that before long, you’ll find yourself confidently guiding sessions without the need for any scripts at all.

Healing Pathways Flow Charts 

These flow charts are essential tools for quick access to session ideas and suggestions. They provide clear pathways to resolve client issues, offering structured yet flexible solutions to support your clients' healing journeys.

Soulful Hypnotherapy Community Facebook Forum 

Got questions? Want Feedback?

Need support and inspiration?

Get exclusive access to our supportive community of graduates and students—included in your tuition!

Here, we share research, referrals, milestones, practice partner requests, and all the questions and answers you might need. You'll find me there, along with active students and graduates, creating a collaborative space for connection and growth.

Soulful Practitioner Mentoring

In addition to our scheduled Zoom calls, I'm happy to offer impromptu recorded support sessions. When a student has burning questions that resonate with the whole group, we schedule a live call and invite everyone to join. This spontaneous interaction provides an extra layer of support, inspiration, and real-time learning as you progress through the course..

Live Zoom Calls Include

Online students in other courses often find it challenging to stay on track, have unanswered questions, or need access to practice partners.

Therefore, 20 hours of live Zoom calls are included in your program.

The benefits include:

  • live instruction
  • accountability
  • community
  • live demonstrations
  • and you may even get a demo session with me.

Other benefits:

  • no worry about social distancing
  • no travel expenses (we now have students from around the world attending classes)
  • a far less cost than private coaching.

Replays are sent to the class after each session, so you won't miss out if you are unable to attend part or all of a given call.

Students also have the opportunity to repeat the Zoom calls at no additional cost.

See the upcoming Zoom Call schedule here.

Why This Training Is Different

Most traditional (old-fashioned) trainings will teach you to rely on scripts. Hours of research, writing, or leafing through tomes of script books, just to prepare yourself for your one-hour client.

If that sounds like a waste of your time, it’s because it is.

While you do have to understand the basic structures of the techniques, as a healer you already know that each individual is different.

You can’t memorize scripts out of a book and expect them to work for everyone.

Hypnotherapy Has Evolved

The evolution of hypnotherapy and past life regression as healing modalities has been exquisite.

I'm proud to have played a major role in ushering them into their new form by designing new techniques and devising a unique way to apply therapy within the past life experience.

The LaBay Method focuses on client-centered, soulful protocols to draw out insights. No more awkward scripts.

Just engaged dialogue with your client's subconscious mind.

My trainings are:

• uniquely developed from decades of hands-on practice and careful evolution of the techniques

• curated to bring you the most effective results, while covering the wide range of presenting issues typically encountered in a well-rounded practice

• and they elegantly span the spectrum from clinical applications to spiritual, for the inclusion of healing and growth on all levels, holistically.

Unlike many trainings that pass you off to numerous teachers and drop the connection when you graduate, I will be your instructor throughout the course and continue to be there for you in numerous ways throughout your career.

Want to take a look?

Curriculum: Integrative Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression

Click arrow below to reveal full curriculum.

  Module 1: Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Handy Guides
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Hypnotherapy Concepts
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Essential Hypnotherapy Skills
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Preparing Your Holistic Practice
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 : Essential Skill Building
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: Advanced NLP and Therapy Skills
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8: Concepts of Past Life Regression
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 9: Why Clients Seek Past Life Therapy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 10: Understanding Memory
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 11: Facilitating Past Life Regression
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 12: Facing Challenges
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 13: Deeper Concepts
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 14: Life Between Lives
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 15: Choosing Your Next Incarnation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 16: Business Practicalities
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 17: Completion of Your Course
Available in days
days after you enroll

Did you click the arrow to see the full curriculum?


I know. It is a lot to cover in one training. I take pride in being thorough, and I want each of my students to be successful. But don’t be concerned now about getting through or understanding it all.

Remember when you were in kindergarten? Looking ahead, you were probably baffled that you would someday know about history and algebra. How was that ever going to happen? But, because you were taught step-by-step, the knowledge and skills built up in layers, and it wasn’t that hard at all.

And that’s how I have structured The LaBay Method course. Let me assure you that my approach to hypnotherapy and past life regression is…

Easy to Learn, Easy to Apply

The course starts at the beginning and builds a strong foundation. Even if you have had other training, this will give you a fresh perspective and a deeper dive into valuable concepts and skills.

The course is carefully structured to carry you through to advanced healing techniques for exploring and healing in this life and others. Nowhere else will you find the variety and depth of skills and concepts as are presented here.

You will receive everything you need to start and run your successful hypnotherapy and past life practice.

Here's what students are saying about the Live Calls:

Easy Navigation...Lesson Plan Flowed.

I am so excited to have studied with such a knowledgeable teacher and mentor. Mary Lee was very accessible; I felt supported and always received feedback quickly when I had a question while taking the online course

The way the course is created makes navigation easy and the lesson plan flowed seamlessly to keep me on track. The material is interesting and enlightening. I will take more courses from you in the future, Mary Lee, and may plan a trip from Florida so I can take one in person. It is imperative to my practice and reputation to train with the best! 

Thanks for everything!” 

Robin Graves,

Certified Hypnotherapist & Past Life Regression Specialist

Packed with techniques, insights, and depth.

I signed up for the Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression online course, after undergoing previous trainings, as I felt I needed more of a foundation in hypnosis principles.

This training is packed with techniques, insights and depth. The online structure is really easy to use and contains so much material - she also provides several PDF books with the course. As a student, you have access to Mary Lee. She is very responsive.

I am still reviewing and revisiting the material to glean more gems. This class is the real deal. You'll have people that you can practice the techniques on, so you can confidently know that you will be able to offer this work to clients.

The resources and tools she provides will also help you with a good business foundation.” 

Jill HewinsC.Ht., MA Certified Past Life Regression Therapist

Mary Lee creates a very safe space.

During my training with Mary Lee, I had the (voluntary!) chance to be a “demo” in front of the class to work out an interpersonal issue I was having in my life at the time. It seems like it would be quite scary to be in hypnosis in front of a big group, but actually Mary Lee creates a very safe space.

I was able to clear out very old patterns and find significant inner resources that shifted my experience in daily life without me having to do anything else! My energy changed, and the situation changed appropriately.

I witnessed others in the class having similarly transformative experiences. I have also seen my practice clients experience tremendous release and revelation simply because I follow the protocols Mary Lee is teaching.

I highly recommend working with her!” 

Jeanell InnerarityYoga Teacher and LMP

Facilitate Transformation.

I feel honored to have studied with you. I am filled with joy and excitement when I think of the work and transformation that I can facilitate using this powerful work. Thank you for all of your gifts and knowledge. I am overflowing with gratitude and love for this healing art.” 

Marissa CastelloNaturopath, Motivational Hypnotherapist and Health Strategist

…her credibility as a master teacher.”

Mary Lee’s direct and consistent delivery in her principles and techniques only further lends to her credibility as a master teacher. She has also established an amazing community to keep students supported throughout their budding career and I still connect with her and my fellow students regularly for support.

Look no further for your training. There’s no other program like hers! 

Christa KingCertified Hypnotherapist, Certified Professional Coach and Reiki Practitioner

Easy to navigate and top-notch quality.

Mary Lee, I want to thank you for your Hypnotherapy/ Past Life Regression course! I enjoyed it thoroughly. The course is very easy to navigate and the quality is top-notch. By the time I finished, I was so excited and confident. Mary Lee, thank you for always being available for consultations and email responses. I felt like I was in your classroom learning everything in person. 

Mandy ArwénAuthor and Spiritual Teacher

Your Next Step

I love connecting personally with each of my students. I want to get to know you and hear about your dreams of bringing this deep and effective work into the world. 

If you would like to speak with me personally or make sure that this course is a good fit for your personal and professional goals, please click the link below.

Suggested topics of discussion:

  • How you can combine your background, energies, and previous experiences into your hypnotherapy practice or bring hypnotherapy into your present holistic practice.
  • I'll answer all your questions and discuss how I'll support your learning path, providing you with an outstanding and unique set of skills that will enhance your ability to heal and coach others while building a successful business. 
  • We'll explore pricing plans and, if we're a good fit to move forward, you'll be given instructions for getting enrolled.

 Click Here to Schedule your Training Call.

The Value of Your Education

This course is strategically designed to merge a full range of Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques with an in-depth education in the concepts and skills of Past Life Regression.

A hypnotherapy practice lacks the necessary dimensionality when past lives are not considered and explored. Past lives give access to root causes, self-knowledge, purpose, relationships, and more.

Facilitating Past Life Regression is merely a sightseeing tour when the practitioner is not well-trained in an array of hypnotherapy techniques to enhance healing and self-knowledge.

Therefore, the two courses have been combined into a comprehensive presentation to provide you with the most well-rounded education and the opportunity to provide the highest quality of client care.

This level of hypnotherapy training with the curated selection of healing techniques is valued at well over $5,000.

This unique and rare opportunity to learn the concepts and skills of past life regression from a world-renowned instructor with nearly 40 years of personal and professional experience is easily valued at over $3,000.

And Bonus!

I just added detailed concepts, scripts, and protocols for guiding clients through the time between lives, choosing your next incarnation, the womb stage, and the birth experience. Easily valued at another $1,000.

The typical hypnotherapist will charge between $75 and $400 per session, plus be able to expand their business with products, lectures, books, podcasts, and workshops.

A graduate charging $100 per hour will repay their tuition in 35 hours. Not even a full week's work.


Choose a Pricing Option

As soon as you register, you can get started with your studies.

To receive your certifications, you'll:

  • Complete the online modules online
  • Score 80% or better on the quizzes
  • Complete 30 hours of practice sessions
  • Attend the included calls or watch the replays

Students are invited to repeat the calls in the future to keep their skills and knowledge fresh and stay connected to the community.

Completing the LaBay Method of Integrative Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression training will earn you the designations:

Certified Master Hypnotherapist

Certified Master Past Life

Therapy Specialist

Your Instructor

  • Ph.D. in Behavioral Psychology
  • Certified Instructor of Hypnotherapy
  •  Created and produced workshops, personal discovery retreats, and certification courses in hypnosis, past life regression, and transpersonal discovery since 1997
  • Author of six books on Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression
  • Named among the Top 100 Thought Leaders of 2007 by Personal Excellence magazine
  • Served on the Board of Directors of the Washington Hypnosis Association and the Washington and Lake Washington Chapters of the National Guild of Hypnotists
  • Maintains a private practice in the Pacific Northwest, serving clients around the world over Zoom.

Let's Connect!